“LIFE exhibition”

I headed last night to Manchester for the “LIFE exhibition” by the phenomenally acclaimed photographer Zoe Law curated and created with A B Rogers design in aid of Maggies centres.


Pop in and see this exhibition at the Lowry. It’s so worth a visit. The reason why is that Zoe‘s project is unique, an exhibition of life-size photographic images of real people living with cancer.

The strength that flows out of these images is incredible, see it to believe it!


All involved have been invited to Zoe studios in London with the loved ones to participate in the shoot and each photograph has a story each photograph tells a story- uniquely personal and empowering. I cannot express enough how vital this charity is… It quite literally helps people at a vulnerable and arguably one of the most frightening times of their lives.


As a business, every year we strive to support a charity-charitable causes which we feel passionate about. One of these ones chosen was indeed Maggies. We are delighted to be offering our services and distribution channels without charge to an initiative-the life exhibition-led by our inspirational flat space art photographer Zoe law in support of Maggies centres-support centres for people living with cancer across the UK.